Author: lkohut

  • Dr. Kohut visits Palmetto Mornings

    Dr. Kohut visits Palmetto Mornings

    Dr. Kohut visited WHRI’s Palmetto Mornings to discuss her new research project. Check out the full interview below!

  • Winthrop Professor Part of Grant to Study Climate Change in Peru

    Winthrop Professor Part of Grant to Study Climate Change in Peru

    Winthrop University put out a press release announcing Kohut’s recent National Science Foundation award. This award support’s Kohut’s new research project in Peru–Proyecto ALPACA. Proyecto ALPACA is a collaboration between Dr. Kohut, Dr. BrieAnna Langlie (Binghamton University) and Dr. Matthew Velasco (Cornell University). Read the full press release here.

  • Climate resilience: NSF-funded research to explore link between crisis and agriculture

    Climate resilience: NSF-funded research to explore link between crisis and agriculture

    Binghamton University posted a press release about Proyecto ALPACA’s resent National Science Foundation award. Proyecto ALPACA is a collaboration with Dr. BrieAnna Langlie at Binghamton University and Dr. Matthew Velasco at Cornell University. Read the full press release here.